Insecure Writers’ Support Group: January 3

A few days late, but not a dollar short…or maybe.

The words Insecure Writers' Support Group appear in from to fa sepia water tower

The prompt for the day that I completely missed, was: Do you follow back your readers on BookBub or do you only follow back other authors?

I don’t follow anyone on BookBub. Seriously, I had an account and set it up a few years ago. And…


I don’t do anything on there. I probably should. But, I don’t like the word should.

The BookBub follow is a tool that I neglect…that I might not have even known existed beyond a vague understanding of how BookBub works. It’s not that I don’t want to be active on there The truth is that I get overwhelmed when my email inbox is so full, and I have to prune, prune, prune my email subscriptions.

End of story.

That said, I do have a sleeping toddler on my lap as I write this four day late post. I’ll add another image later. For now, it’s time to get on with the editing and whatnot that I like to accomplish in the morning.

Maybe some of the other writers here have something better to say about this one 🙂